Category Archives: Oral Health

Gingival recession: Causes, effects, and ways to reduce dentinal hypersensitivity

Dentinal hypersensitivity due to gingival recession requires routine in-office dental care along with supportive home care. Here are some tools to help patients minimize their risk of recession-related concerns. Masooma Rizvi, RDH Gingival recession, the apical shift of the gingival margins,1,2 is the process in which the margin of the gingiva that surrounds the teeth […]

Remineralizing Your Teeth’s Enamel

123 Dentist If you’ve had issues with your teeth that involve weakening, white spots, or numerous cavities, one of the key causes could be demineralized enamel. To understand what demineralization is and how to remineralize in order to address the problem, take a look at this guide. You’ll understand that demineralization is not actually damage […]

Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic

Sandra Kahn, DDS, MSD, and Paul Ehrlich, PhD There is serious hidden epidemic that the public health community is just discovering. Its most obvious symptom is the growing frequency of children with crooked teeth wearing braces. But it also includes snoring, jaws hanging open, frequent stuffy noses, attention and behavioral problems, unrecognized disturbed sleeping (sleep […]

Houses Passes Action for Dental Health Act

Dentistry Today The House of Representatives passed the Action for Dental Health Act of 2017 (HR 2422) by a vote of 387-13 on February 26. Co-authored by Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-IL) and dentist and Congressman Mike Simpson(R-ID), it authorizes $18 million annually for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Oral Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs and […]

Know The Risks of Oral Piercings

Dr. James R. Nemeth There are many forms of self-expression, art, writing, fashion, even body piercing. When it comes to oral piercings, however–such as lip, labret, cheek and tongue piercings–it’s important to know all the risks involved. Know The Risks Before You Pierce Piercing anywhere near the mouth is very different than simply piercing an […]

Gingivitis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Gingivitis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Christian Nordqvist Gingivitis is a common type of periodontal disease. Gingivitis means inflammation of the gums (gingiva). It commonly occurs because of a film of bacteria that accumulate on the teeth – plaque; this is known as plaque-induced gingivitis. Gingivitis is a non-destructive type of periodontal disease. However, if left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, which is more serious and […]

Just Say No to Fruit Juice Before Age 1

Just say no to Fruit Juice before age 1 When the labels claim “100% juice,” “no added sugar” and “all natural,” it’s tempting to think that juice is a good nutritional choice for children. That’s why parents buy gallons of it every year, daycares stock juice boxes adorned with beloved cartoon characters, and school cafeterias serve juice to help satisfy the USDA daily […]

Bleeding Gums: What it Means and When to See Your Dentist

Dr. Mark Burhenne Seeing blood in your sink after you brush your teeth can be alarming, but there’s no need to panic. You may be able to cure your bleeding gums without even seeing a dentist, depending on the situation. In this article, I’ll explain the common causes of bleeding gums, what you can do […]

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