Using thyroid collars during radiographic exams no longer recommended by ADA

by: Mary Beth Versaci Expert panel updates imaging safety guidance The American Dental Association no longer recommends using thyroid collars on patients during radiographic exams. Before taking radiographs, dentists should also consider what diagnostic information they need from the images to benefit patient care or substantially improve clinical outcomes, according to updated recommendations developed by […]

Gingival recession: Causes, effects, and ways to reduce dentinal hypersensitivity

Dentinal hypersensitivity due to gingival recession requires routine in-office dental care along with supportive home care. Here are some tools to help patients minimize their risk of recession-related concerns. Masooma Rizvi, RDH Gingival recession, the apical shift of the gingival margins,1,2 is the process in which the margin of the gingiva that surrounds the teeth […]

Emerging Autoimmune Syndrome Disrupts the Formation of Tooth Enamel

Weizmann Institute of Science The latest research from the Weizmann Institute of Science unveils a newly identified autoimmune disorder affecting tooth enamel development, providing valuable insights into the mysteries surrounding enamel irregularities. Headed by Professor Jakub Abramson, the study investigates a rare genetic syndrome named APS-1 and its correlation with impaired enamel production. Significantly, this […]

How to Deal with a Difficult Patient

Roger P. Levin, DDS Even if you have a practice with 5-star customer service, you’ll still encounter patients who are deemed difficult—individuals who simply don’t cooperate in some way, shape, or form. Dealing with difficult patients can upset the staff, send negative reverberations throughout the practice, cause stress and frustration, and even lead to a […]

EU Commission Bans Use of Dental Amalgam from 2025

The European Commission The European Commission has published draft legislation to phase out dental amalgam in 2025. The revision of the EU Mercury Regulation has been expected since December 2022 and includes a ban on mercury-containing light bulbs and lamps. Since there are viable mercury-free alternatives, dental amalgam shall no longer be used for dental […]

Occlusion and caries: Ongoing zirconia challenges

Zirconia crowns are well known as the most-used ceramic restoration in dentistry. Dr. Gordon Christensen provides some potential solutions for a few of their most important challenges. Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, PhD, MSD   “I have been practicing for many years, and most of the indirect restorations I have placed in the past could be […]

A new method for restoring enamel has “huge potential for applicaton” in dentistry

Learn about a new strategy for restoring tooth enamel by adding a complex of amino acids to hydroxyapatite  that researchers say could have a widespread impact in dentistry. Elizabeth S. Leaver Researchers have developed a method of restoring tooth enamel by adding a complex of amino acids to hydroxyapatite, a strategy they say has “huge […]

Increasing speed will increase production, without raising your stress

As dentistry continues to evolve, one way to significantly increase production is to up your practice speed. Here’s a look at three ways to accomplish that. Roger P. Levin, DDS No dentist wants to hear “work faster.” Those words typically create the image of rushing, stress, and even mistakes. However, as dentistry continues to evolve, […]

Yes! You can join the top 10% performing dental practices

There are four essential phases your practice must pass through to become a top 10% performing office, Chances are good you’ve already accomplished many of them. Roger P. Levin, DDS Like all businesses, dental practices go through stages of growth and development. The ultimate success of any dental practice depends on how well it navigates […]

Trends and challenges that will reshape the dental profession-and what you should do now

The staffing crisis, expansion of DSOs, burnout-all challenges that could change the dental profession permanently. Roger Levin discusses short- and long-term strategies that can help ensure a successful future. Roger P. Levin, DDS Dentistry, like all industries, is going through a continual and rapid transformation. As this change occurs, there are emerging trends and challenges […]

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